abbr. ( 縮寫 abbreviation ) n. ( 名詞 noun ) pro-verb. ( )
v. ( 動詞 verb ) v. auxil. ( 助動詞 auxiliary verb ) vi. ( 不及物動詞 intransitive verb )
vt. ( 及物動詞 transitive verb )
abbr. ( 縮寫 abbreviation )
1. 防守隊形
2. 驗光醫師
3. 整骨學醫師
n. ( 名詞 noun )
1. 【事】 【俚】 騙局,欺騙
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
2. 【事】 【英‧口】 宴會,慶祝會;招待會;戰鬥;進攻
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
3. 【事】 【方】 騷動;混亂
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
4. 【事】 要求做到的事,應行之事 ( don't )
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
5. 【事】 分配
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
6. 【事】 【澳俚】 成功
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
7. 【美‧俚】 髮型
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
8. 【物】 【俚】 排泄物,糞便
* It's all a do. 這完全是個騙局
* do one's do 做分內的事
* dos and don'ts 規矩,行為守則,注意事項
* Fair do's! 公平分配
* make a do of (在…方面)獲得成功.
9. 【物】 【樂】 首調唱法時任何大音階之第一音[任何小音階之第三音];固定唱法之C音 ( sol-fa )
v. auxil. ( 助動詞 auxiliary verb )
vi. ( 不及物動詞 intransitive verb )
1. 行動
* Do as I say, not as I do. 【諺】 別管我做得怎樣,照我說的去做
* Do in [at] Rome as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗
* Do; don't merely talk. 幹吧,別光耍嘴皮子
* do wisely 聰明[機智]地行動
* You did well [right] to refuse. 謝絕是明智[正確]的.
2. 做;行事;活動
* Do as I say, not as I do. 【諺】 別管我做得怎樣,照我說的去做
* Do in [at] Rome as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗
* Do; don't merely talk. 幹吧,別光耍嘴皮子
* do wisely 聰明[機智]地行動
* You did well [right] to refuse. 謝絕是明智[正確]的.
3. 表現
* Do as I say, not as I do. 【諺】 別管我做得怎樣,照我說的去做
* Do in [at] Rome as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗
* Do; don't merely talk. 幹吧,別光耍嘴皮子
* do wisely 聰明[機智]地行動
* You did well [right] to refuse. 謝絕是明智[正確]的.
4. (在生活、健康等方面)有進展
* He is doing splendidly [very well] at the Bar. 他當律師滿能應付[不錯]的
* Mother and child are both doing well. 母子均平安
* How do you do? 您好!.
5. 辦完,結束 ( ( 用完成時態 ) )
* Have you done with this book? 你讀完這本書了嗎?
* I'd like to get this done with. 【口】 我希望把這事幹完.
6. 進行
* Flax does well after wheat. 收過小麥以後,亞麻長得不錯.
7. (植物等)生長
* Flax does well after wheat. 收過小麥以後,亞麻長得不錯.
8. 發生
* Anything doing tonight? 今天晚上有什麼事嗎?
* What's doing here? 這裡發生什麼事了?
* Nothing doing.
9. 合適;可以;行;足夠;相配
* That sort of person won't do for this company. 那樣的人不適合於這類公司
* That won't [doesn't] do. 那可不行!
* This will do as [for] a pillow. 這能當個枕頭用吧!
* It won't do to be late. 遲到可不行.
10. 合用
* That sort of person won't do for this company. 那樣的人不適合於這類公司
* That won't [doesn't] do. 那可不行!
* This will do as [for] a pillow. 這能當個枕頭用吧!
* It won't do to be late. 遲到可不行.
11. 得體;適宜
* That sort of person won't do for this company. 那樣的人不適合於這類公司
* That won't [doesn't] do. 那可不行!
* This will do as [for] a pillow. 這能當個枕頭用吧!
* It won't do to be late. 遲到可不行.
vt. ( 及物動詞 transitive verb )
1. 做,實行
* Do your duty. 盡你的義務[本分]
* I have nothing to do. 無事可做
* do writing 進行寫作.
2. 幹,執行
* Do your duty. 盡你的義務[本分]
* I have nothing to do. 無事可做
* do writing 進行寫作.
3. 工作
* Do your duty. 盡你的義務[本分]
* I have nothing to do. 無事可做
* do writing 進行寫作.
4. 處理
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
5. 料理
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
6. 完成;完畢
* I have done writing. 我已經寫完了
* The work is done. 工作做完了
* have done it. (成語)做了蠢事;把事情弄糟了
* What is done cannot be undone. 【諺】 此事已成局,無法可想了[木已成舟].
7. 修理
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
8. 收拾(房間);照應;佈置;整(髮);洗(碗)
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
9. 預備(功課)
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
10. 專修;攻讀(學位);計算
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
11. 解決(難題)
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
12. 創作
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
13. 翻譯(作品)
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
14. 描繪;製圖
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
15. 盡力;盡力而為
* do the shopping [washing] 購物[洗東西].
16. 演出(戲劇);扮演
* She always does the hostess amiably. 她常扮演和藹可親的女主人
* do black 【美‧俚】 扮演黑人的角色
* do the big [grand, swell] 充好漢;擺臭架子.
17. 裝出 ( ( do the + 形容詞 ) )
* She always does the hostess amiably. 她常扮演和藹可親的女主人
* do black 【美‧俚】 扮演黑人的角色
* do the big [grand, swell] 充好漢;擺臭架子.
18. 觀光[參觀];訪問
* do (=see) the sights (of...) 遊覽名勝
* do the Tower (of London) 參觀倫敦塔.
19. 煮 ( halfdone, overdone, underdone, well-done )
* I like my meat very well done. 我喜歡把肉煮[燒]得很透
* do eggs and bacon 煎燻肉蛋.
20. 烹調(食物),做菜
* I like my meat very well done. 我喜歡把肉煮[燒]得很透
* do eggs and bacon 煎燻肉蛋.
21. 通過(一段距離)
* do 20 miles a day 一天走20英里.
22. 走過;走完,完成(旅程)
* do 20 miles a day 一天走20英里.
23. 【口】 服刑,服役
* do time
* do 3 years 服三年刑.
24. 【俚】 盜竊;搜查
* do the room.
25. 【俚】 搶劫
* do the room.
26. 為別人做;對待;給與;招致;帶來
* do sb a favor 施人恩惠
* Bad books do (us) harm. 壞書(對人有害處)
* That does you great credit [honor]. 那將為你帶來很大的功勞[榮譽].
27. 【英】 適合;中…的意;對…足夠
* That will do me very well. 那對我滿合適的
* Worms will do us for bait. 蚯蚓宜作釣餌.
28. 【英‧口】 招待,款待
* do a man handsomely 慷慨援助
* They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅館服務周到
* do oneself well 生活闊綽
* This pub does lunch. 這家小酒店供應午餐.
29. 提供
* do a man handsomely 慷慨援助
* They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅館服務周到
* do oneself well 生活闊綽
* This pub does lunch. 這家小酒店供應午餐.
30. 供應;為…服務
* do a man handsomely 慷慨援助
* They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅館服務周到
* do oneself well 生活闊綽
* This pub does lunch. 這家小酒店供應午餐.
31. 【口】 打敗;毀掉;逮住;抓住;捉住
* Sorry, I've been done. 對不起,我受騙了
* That does me. 那要叫我認輸了.
32. 使筋疲力盡
* Sorry, I've been done. 對不起,我受騙了
* That does me. 那要叫我認輸了.
33. 【禁忌】 欺騙
* Sorry, I've been done. 對不起,我受騙了
* That does me. 那要叫我認輸了.
34. 【古】 處置
* do him killed 命令殺死他.
35. 命令(做)
* do him killed 命令殺死他.